Strategy Coaching and Mentoring

COVID-19 UPDATE - In response to the international Coronavirus crisis, Fusionfields has expanded its regular mental health offerings to include solution-based coaching for those that have been retrenched as a result of the economic downturn. One of the best ways to overcome your depression is by identifying tangible next steps to take you forward, and executing on these.

In line with lockdown regulations, whenever possible, all personal coaching and mental health related sessions will be conducted remotely over video conferencing. Kindly use our contact form to make an appointment.

FUSIONFIELDS is a specialist firm that focuses on providing solutions to complex business and personal strategy challenges. We do so by using a variety of tools and processes including coaching, training and mentoring.

Fusionfields' proprietary tools and processes are designed to bring simplicity and clarity. Consistent with our problem-solving methodology, we choose to focus on substance and value rather than complicated jargon and the latest buzzwords. We aim, as far as possible, to stretch your thinking, transfer our knowledge and empower you or your team.

We work with corporates, entrepreneurs and individuals and only take on assignments where we know we will be able to make a high impact. To learn more about our offerings, please visit the relevant pages below:

Business Strategy Coaching

Business Strategy Coaching photo

Personal Strategy Coaching

Personal  Strategy Coaching photo

Mentoring & Training

Strategy Training photo